Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Another service to increase blog trffic

I have been using BlogExplosion for few days, and its certainly helps to improve traffic.

I have just come across with BlogClicker which works with same concept as BlogExplosion.

One difference with BlogClicker is that it offers also premium service in which ratio of traffic is 1.5:1 as against 2:1 to free service.

However, practically there is no differnce, you have to visit blog here or there. But I think it is good to have two different group of people visiting my blog.

So, let's try both BlogExplosion and BlogClicker


OptionSeller said...

Thanks for comments. This blog is actually expriment lab. I try differnt functions,services etc., on this blog.

Thanks again for your not shitty but constructive comment.

Ant said...

Thanks for your comment about my blog. I personalised one of the blogger templates to look like my old site when I changed it to being simply a blogspot. I shall Bookmark your site as a useful technical blog.


OptionSeller said...

Thanks Ant!

I have Blogrolled your blog.