Monday, November 14, 2005

New 3 column blog template :)

I have been thinking for quite some time to change the two column layout of the original to three column. Because I have more goodies in sidebar then content in my posts :)

After checking many sites , finally I have taken the 3 column layout from thur's template showroom for free! Thanks thur.

This template resizes as per the viewrs screen so no white space or scrolling , it will always fit on everybody's screen.

There is still some glitches like certain images are having border and others not, blogrolling fonts differs from the rest of the links etc.

At one point I was planning to add background image to the blog , but I dropped the idea, I want my blog and life clutter free.

Please leave your feed back and suggestions if you can spare some time for that.



Anonymous said...

HI. I like your three colum layout a lot. I had the same problem as you, yet I did't find a template so I had to design one myself. I updated the template only recently and im still working on it. You can take a look at my solution if you like.

I use blogrolling too and you can use the .blogrollmain {font-size: ;}rule to adjust font size according to your needs.

You could add color to you blog by yousing the background color property of your boxes without the need of a background grafics if you like.

OptionSeller said...

Thanks for your feedback. I agree dawn, white is colourless, and I will follow vee lee's advise I will change back ground colour after I have enjoyed the "white" with my heart's content.

wwww said...

Hi JV, nice new layout but I don’t really like all white. Perhaps if you could add some coloring in the column. Anyway just to tell you that I am back and still kicking! Thanks for the message you wrote in the blog while I was sick, I appreciate it so much.

Thanks for being a very nice and caring friend.

Your buddy,


OptionSeller said...

Hey Jay, great to see you back. You may be right about the vanilla plain layout, but I will add some more colors soon.

Nice to see you recoered. I have recovered myself too :) I will talk about it letter.

Anonymous said...

I like 3 column layout but the fonts look big in IE, looks fine in Firefox though.